Ins and outs: Morals

As I mentioned, if you even cared in my blog intro post, my INs and OUTs are close and dear to me. Go read it and come back if you haven’t. If you have thanks, you're caught up. Since this is a special first ever blog ins and outs, I am giving you more morals than laws, INs and OUTs that forever ring true. These are 17 (my fav number) INs and OUTS than have transcended laws and become morals in my world. I’ve listed them in numbers to keep track and refer back, but they are in no certain order, they all are equally pertinent.


1. Sunglasses Inside.

Cool as fuck, next.

2. Having a crush.

The most simple way to get through war, a corporate job and everything in between.

Without a crush, what is the point of living? It’s quiet.

3. Knowing Everything

I have never learned anything that I didn't already know somewhere deep in my head.

Calculus. I feel like I new calculus before I learned it (if you're reading this and you used to do my calculus homework for me, I am so sorry, I hadn’t yet realized I learned it already)

4. Rumor Mongering

A rumor has literally never hurt anyone.

I feel so confident that my life improves with every rumor I monger

If you're nervous about this, there is no safety and its out of your control so learn to live with it

5. Astrology, but not really knowing anything.

“I’m a cancer, ok and? I don’t know”

Using it to manifest anything, best use case is manifesting something that makes you feel insane.

Is this a direct contradiction to another IN on the list? Yes, (IN: 6).

6. Contradictions

Aforementioned. (5).

Nothing wrong with contradictions as long as you're loud and confident about it.

7. Blocking

Blocking someone on anything, on everything.

Easily the least problematic way for me to make a point.

(IN:6) also one of the most disrespectful things you could do to me and I will reach out and ask why every single time.

8. Subway (Sandwiches NOT transportation)

No additional comments needed on Subway Sandwiches.

I have never taken a subway as transportation so I won’t comment on that.



1. Critically Acclaimed Movies

Don’t tell me that weird movie with Emma Stone is genuinely better than Pitch Perfect 3.

One made me laugh and cry and one made me feel deeply uncomfortable and not in a good way

2. Rose Gold.

We have no business rocking 2008 housing bubble pop on our wrists, necks, ears or ankles.

At this point it looks cheap and not in a fun way.

3. Pay to Park.


I already pay for the car, for the registration, for the plates, for the gas, for the maintenance.

Now I have to pay to leave it somewhere? Get out of my face.

4. Camilla Cabello.

SO unsettling.

5. Scraping your car when it snows.

When will the torture end?

I’m cold. I’m tired.

My fingers are cold. Wearing gloves is embarrassing.

My defroster should work harder than it does.

6. Over-prefering fancy coffee shops.


I worked at starbucks, its perfectly FINE, I have yet to have a curated, bespoke cup of coffee from the myriad of local coffee places that rivals starbucks. It literally all tastes the same.

I GET and I PARTICIPATE in shop local, small businesses are a backbone of the economy but there is no need to pretend that there is a palatable difference.

I hope he picks you if you refuse a Starbucks or Dunkin or City Brew

7. Crocs.

As a proud CO native, (previous) frequent Broomfield driver-through, former applicant to their finance rotational program: I still find these unacceptable.

This is also coming from a girl who spends her inaugural $1.99 on old navy flip flops in May, shoe wear can be cheap and plastic and casual without visually assaulting.




I will unfollow.

9. Pretending not to know someone you’ve met before.

I am THE number one advocate for ignoring someone boldly, loudly and clearly at a function.

BUT, It’s so disrespectful and embarrassing to re-introduce yourself to someone that you’ve met before, not cool, not a flex, really insecure.

Hope he picks you.


My job made me uncool, the second I get my cool back, I'm cancelled, let's discuss.


one time chatgpt told me i looked like Sofía vergara it sent me on an emotional roller coaster